THE CYCLE OF EVOLUTION It’s all about us
The last century was a time of great change and industrial development. The makeable and individual society was in the making.
FLOWER POWER Take the 1960s. A true revolution is taking place because of the Flower Power. The hippies shake up the establishment, cause a sexual revolution and create a Love and Peace movement. New music trends are emerging. The hippies create a shock wave of horror for the elderly and a delighted sense of hope for the young ones.
MAYA CALENDER There is talking and singing of the Aquarian age apparantly entering our times. Also about December 21, 2012, which would be the heralding of the new age. A division of "unbelievers" and a stream of "spiritual floaters" arises. The world will come to an end, according to the doomsayers. In fact, the circular Maya calendar came to an end and the new age of Aquarius dawned.
SELF-DEVELOPMENT AND RELIGION It is undeniable. In the 90s of the last century, more and more self-development has been through all kinds of self-help books, yoga, meditation, reiki and awareness courses. A new consciousness is unfolding. The calling is growing that there is more between heaven and earth. The churches are emptying out and religion is less important to some people. However, more and more people believe that there is a Greater Whole but that this is not directly related to a religion. There is a saying that God created us in His Image. That means that we all have something Divine in us. If we can feel or recognize that we carry a Divine energy within us, we take a big step in our development.
CHAOS First we have to manage to get through this chaotic time. All kinds of things are happening around us, such as natural disasters, environmental woes, depression and the Covid virus. It's time to unite, to face our negativity and fear, and to change whatever we can into something positive. Then a new balance can arise, which can take us further.
PROPHETS AND THE COSMIC PREPARATION The universe has sent us prophets in the past to awaken us to the divine spark within ourselves. But we didn't want to recognize that. We'd rather worship something outside of ourselves. The birth of Jesus started the Christian calendar. During the transition from the sixth to the seventh century, the book of Islam was revealed to our planet and dictated to Mohammed Mustafa, the prophet. During the transition from the thirteenth century to the fourteenth century, the greatest Sufis, Islamic mystics, poets and musicians flourished. These were the turning ages. And now during the transition from the 20th century to the 21st century, there will be a massive system change. For centuries, numerous messages have been given to us, either through the sacred books or through aphorisms from our ancestors. We have never been able to feel the true meaning about the messages, we have only been able to understand them superficially.
THE TIME IS NOW TO INTEGRATE ALFA AND BETA AND DEVELOP TOWARDS OMEGA Now the time has come for us to keep thinking. Another time is coming. Every living being completes its evolution, being subject to incarnations. Every evolution prepares us to receive more powerful energies. Since the existence of cosmos, evolution endlessly has continued in this way . This is natural circulation. Which applies to everything, humanity and everything on Earth down to the Earth itself and the universe. Religion (Alpha) and science (Beta) are a whole. It's impossible to learn without religion and vice versa. They still deny each other because science wants to prove and religion relies on mentioning the invisible. It is time to understand that we need to rearrange our lives. That we integrate God's Consciousness into ourselves.That we are aware of our body and listen to the calling of our soul and move towards our destination.