As above, so below As whitin, so without As the universe, so the soul
Because I loved to draw and paint in circles ever since I was young, my interest in Sacred Geometry was not so strange. I fell under the spell of Drunvalo Melchizedek's books and attended his workshop in Miami. I knew intuitively that I was on the right track. As a child we are already involved with geometry, namely folding papers, boxes of blocks, circle games and drawing. The phase between a baby and 4-year toddler is characterized by the closing of the circle. This gives the child a more conscious contact with his inner world and with the experience of the distinction between so inside and so outside.
The Sacred Geometry of creation is inside and outside of us and connected by a wave motion that resonates with the earth, the cosmos and ourselves. This allows us to stay tuned to vibrations that support us in this rapidly changing time. It is now more important than ever to become physically aware, so that our body can practice in receiving and integrating the higher vibrations.
Geometric shapes nourish the intuition to orient itself on ancient laws in our universe. By playing with the geometry it can open an inner memory of ancient knowledge. This memory then anchors itself in the body. In geometry it is very clear that everything is interconnected. For instance it is clear that a crystal form (think of the Star of David) has been created from the void and that a circle is formed from it by rotation. Isn’t that a miracle by itself?! This created a geometric pattern with both feminine and masculine shapes. Sacred geometry basecally is simply nothing more than creating round and straight shapes. These are connected to one another in beautiful patterns, in which its own vibration and laws resonate. Leonardo da Vinci already knew about the golden ratio and the number pi and used this in his works. Its beauty reminds us of an ancient knowing. Pythagoras was a Greek mathematician, sage, philosopher and reformer. He was considered one of the Seven Sages by some. He was initiated into the esoteric schools in Egypt and was taught that the number is the last building block of creation, the root of this world.
The basic wavelength is 7.23 cm. is ohm. The size of 7.23 cm. for example, in our body is the exact mean of the distance from pupil to pupil (mean of 100 people). When you move from your pupils to the tip of your nose, you have formed a triangle.
All creation is made up of numbers and prisms. They are the basic patterns, primal symbols of our "being". Numbers are exact, measurable vibrations radiated by cosmic planetary action.
Because of the numbers of our birthday, we stay connected to our soul line, we put ourselves in the center. We may be spiritual beings but we must become aware that we have to inhabit our body in its entirety. That is not always easy, but it is the assignment we took upon us at birth.